Equipping PASTORS to REACH the LOST through a fellowship of  biblical and spiritual accountability.




LMF is currently affiliated with over 600 pastors around the world. These pastors have seen their vision come to pass as they have aligned themselves with relationship with LMF. 

The Church is GROWING!

Churches are growing, God's anointing is flowing and a change in the atmosphere has taken place. You too can benefit from this biblical spiritual relationship of accountability for pastors of independent churches; ministries , evangelist and missionaries. 

God has GIVEN YOU THE VISION and we want to see it come to pass! We are a fellowship of Pastors, Ministers, Evangelist and Churches in a relationship of biblical and spiritual accountability. We offer biblical spiritual accountability to Pastors, Ministers of the Gospel and Church Leaders. 

God’s VISION for LMF is to develop a Network of biblical spiritual accountability for pastors, ministers, evangelist and their churches, Establish and maintain LMF Bible Institute an accredited bible training school; Develop and Implement an Apostles' "Circle of Accountability"; Build the Holy Grounds conference and retreat center in the United States; Develop and implement the 5-fold Ministry School.

Who We Are

What We Do

Liberty Ministry Fellowship equips pastors and congregations to Reach the Lost  through planting churches: LMF's primary focus has been and will always be to Reach the Lost.

We provide biblical spiritual accountability to pastors, ministers, evangelist and church leaders around the world: We teach, train, evangelize, assist in establishing struggling churches or ministries with a firm foundation and plant churches with the single purpose of God's heart ministers and church leaders to effectively win the lost to Jesus.

LMF will assist churches or pastors only when requested. LMF can disassociate churches, pastors or ministers who fail to walk upright and peaceably, break the covenant agreement, and/or those who denounce Jesus Christ or His doctrine of salvation.

One Accord

Embrace Unity: Forging a Path Together Requires Harmony


We were not redeemed by God's grace to just to go to heaven. If that were the case, we would be in heaven right now. We believe we are still here for a purpose therefore, we believe we all here to REACH the LOST! 


Join us as we WALK TOGETHER IN ONE ACCORD through Our Common Belief (Tenants of Faith).   
We believe...The Holy Bible is the inherent spoken Word of God, complete, perfect and without contradiction. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one. Jesus is the Son of God born through the Virgin Mary. He walked on this earth as a living example of sinless flesh and was crucified as such. He died, rose from the dead on the third day, was seen by many and later ascended to his Father, God in heaven. He sent back the Holy Ghost as a comforter. Jesus will return someday in His glory to receive unto himself the Church Bride bought with His shed blood. Jesus is the Christ, who was and is God's final sacrifice for sin, that God's love in Christ was an effectual love unto salvation for all mankind. The only way to God is through belief in His son Jesus and that Jesus' blood cleanses us from sin. God is completely sovereign in all his dealings with mankind, especially pertaining to salvation and damnation in the resurrection of the saved and lost, one to everlasting life the other to everlasting damnation.  We also believe that Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every believer. The Church consist of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their Savior. In water baptism and observance of the Lord's Supper (Communion). Laying on of hands. Baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other (new) tongues. There is no male or female in Christ Jesus, therefore anyone whom God has called can preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations . That marriage is defined within the bible as between one man and one woman. 

Prayer Network

Our International Prayer Network of Intercessors are waiting to hear from you. We want to pray for your prayer request. We will be praying 24 hrs a day for 7-days lifting your name and petition before God daily. Simply click the link below to email our prayer request. Prayer Request

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© Liberty Ministry Fellowship 1998-2028